Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Bible States We Must Conserve and Respect Our Natural...

In Jeremiah (9:9-11), â€Å"Should I not punish them for this?† declares the Lord. â€Å"Should I not avenge myself on such a nation as this?† I will weep and wail for the mountains and take up a lament concerning the desert pastures. They are desolate and untraveled, and the lowing of cattle is not heard. The birds of the air have fled and the animals are gone. â€Å"I will make Jerusalem a heap of ruins, a haunt of jackals and I will lay waste the towns of Judah so no can live there.† Habakkuk (2:17), â€Å"The violence you have done to Lebanon will overwhelm you, and for your destruction of animals will terrify you. For you have shed man’s blood; you have destroyed lands and cities and everyone in them. In both cases, the punishment is that the land is†¦show more content†¦Making use of new technology and enhanced approaches farmers can upturn production and benefit, also improving soil quality and assuring habitats. Reducing the risks of food borne illness is to find out what is causing it. Origins of food borne illness are the bacteria or viruses contained in food. They accumulate after the food is assimilated causing illness or infection. Bacteria that cause food borne illness are everywhere so you have to be very careful. To maintain our food safe we can: keep it clean, keep it isolated, cook it, distribute it and store it. Washing your hands before dealing with food prevents food borne illness as well. Before you buy your product at the store check it very well for any problems. Making sure your area where you are preparing your food is well cleaned. The utensils you use to cook or eat with should be thoroughly cleaned. Being aware that the food you are cooking is thoroughly cooked. Imagine life were all on your mind was â€Å"When will I eat again†? or Will I make it through the night or day†?There should be a image pop up in our heads of all the food we waste everyday and the n remember the less fortunate people all over the world with no food. Every day we are adding on to world hunger by wasting food. The less we waste food the more lives we can save. Starvation is not only in Asia, Africa, it is everywhere even in the U.S. The money we waste on excess food could go to those underprivileged ones. The sourceShow MoreRelatedBiography Of Leopold s A Sand County Almanac Essay1571 Words   |  7 PagesLeopold’s writings tell us to pause for a moment to appreciate and conserve the beautiful world that surrounds us. Let us consider the two key words of the theme, appreciate and conserve. The Oxford English Dictionary defines the word â€Å"appreciate† as to, â€Å"recognize the worth of† (â€Å"Appreciate†). 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It recognizes the cultural and political links between ecology and feminismRead MoreSources of Ethics20199 Words   |  81 PagesSystem: 9 6- Codes of Conduct: 9 2.0- EXPLANATION OF THE SOURCES OF ETHICS: 10 2.1- RELIGION: 10 Teaching business ethics 12 2.11- Impact Of Religiosity: 13 2.12- Ethics Of Islam: 14 Nature of Islamic Ethics 17 The Human-Environment Relationship: 20 The Sustainable Care of Nature: 22 The Practice of Islamic Environmental Ethics: 22 2.14- Ethics And Other Religion: 25 2.2- GENETIC INHERITANCE: 31 2.21- LINKAGE OF GENETICS AND ETHICS: 32 Introduction: 32 Read MoreGp Essay Mainpoints24643 Words   |  99 Pages Blame media for our problems i. Power + Responsibility of Media j. Media ethics k. New Media and Democracy 2. Science/Tech a. Science and Ethics b. Government and scientist role in science c. Rely too much on technology? d. Nuclear technology e. Genetic modification f. Right tech for wrong reasons 3. Arts/Culture a. Arts have a future in Singapore? b. Why pursue Arts? c. Arts and technology d. Uniquely Singapore: Culture 4. Environment a. Developed vsRead MoreCrossing the Chasm76808 Words   |  308 PagesWhere are Wang, Weitek, and Zilog? â€Å"Oh lost and by the wind-grieved ghosts, come back again!† But we should not despair. In high tech, the good news is that, although we lose our companies with alarming frequency, we keep the people along with the ideas, and so the industry as a whole goes forward vibrantly, even as the names on our paychecks slide into another seamlessly (OK, as seamlessly as our systems interoperate, which as marketing claims is†¦ well that’s another matter). Crossing the ChasmRead More65 Successful Harvard Business School Application Essays 2nd Edition 147256 Words   |  190 Pagesreserved. Printed in the United States of America. For-information, address St. Martins Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010. www.stmartins.com Library of Congress Cataloging...in..Publication Data 65 successful Harvard Business -School application essays : with analysis by the staff of The Harbus, the Harvard Business School newspaper / Lauren Sullivan and the staff of The Harbus.-2nd ed. p.em. ISBN 978...0..312...55007...3 1. Business schools-United States-Admission. 2. Exposition (Rhetoric)

Monday, December 23, 2019

Orthodoxy and Progressivism America’s Battle over...

There are many polarizing debates over the quality and content of the curriculum taught in Public Schools and Universities, typically there are two clearly predictable groups that emerge and square off for battle, the conservative orthodoxy and the secular or liberal progressives. As each side vigorously defends the extremes of their positions, they have apparently and unwittingly created a silent majority that may also wish to be heard. A recognized educational policy maker acknowledges a sampling of some contemporary issues of debate in the educational policy arena: For American public schools, the interplay between public policy has been rather volatile, thanks to both state and federal constitutions mandating an ever shifting degree†¦show more content†¦This is seemingly ironic, given that the Constitution that provides for the law of the land, routinely gets interpreted, amended, and even subject to judicial tests. Yet even that fundamental part of The Bill of Rights, that seems to be ignored, serves as a historical reminder that we have all been endowed by our â€Å"creator†. There seems to be no shortage of opinions, rhetorical comments, or argumentative statements that can be read in many print articles, weblogs, and forums across the internet. Just a few minutes of reviewing search engine retrievals, for topics such as ID or Evolution, can quickly suggests a landscape of bruised and battered egos, tones of defiance, and highly emotional opinions on both ends of the divide. Basically, the scientific community in today’s academia holds many positions that are counter to the ID movement. The idea that ID is close-minded since it forces observations to conform to one’s beliefs rather that forcing one’s beliefs to conform to the evidence of observations. Another view is that ID is dishonest because it points to a false controversy, stating that ID is not accepted by the scientific community or allowed to be published – when in fact, there are no statistics to support the evidence of scientific study to validate such a controversy. The scientific community also (seems to) suggest that ID’s

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Global Environmental Issues Free Essays

Global Problems – The Environment Over time, the Earth’s environment has become more and more damaged and deteriorated. Because of this, it is increasingly difficult for both the animal kingdom and the human population to inhabit certain regions of the globe as desired. There are many different issues that can factor into environmental harm. We will write a custom essay sample on Global Environmental Issues or any similar topic only for you Order Now Some examples of these issues are deforestation, desertification, climate change, and pollution. A more general term used to identify these types of issues is Environmental Problems. Deforestation is a massive clearing of the Earth’s forests. Each year, strips of forest equivalent to the size of Panama are cut down and cleared. If these mass clearings continue at the rate they have been, all of the rain forests across the globe could cease to exist within one century. One major cause of deforestation is agriculture. When farmers need more room to plant crops, or more space to graze their livestock, they cut acres of forests down to accommodate themselves. Sometimes, small farmers clear away trees in the forest to feed their families. They do this through a process often referred to as â€Å"slash and burn† agriculture. One country affected by deforestation is Brazil. Farmers often use the slash and burn agriculture method to clear away trees in the Amazon rain forest. After space is made, farmers are only able to settle for one to two years. This is because the rain forest’s soil does not have enough nutrients to keep the crops growing. When crops are no longer able to grow in the area, farmers move on, leaving what used to be acres upon acres of trees to be nothing but a dry and empty piece of land. Desertification is the decaying of the Earth’s dryland ecosystems. It is also the advancement of sand dunes on land. Each year, close to 30 million acres are lost to desertification and drought, that’s about 56 acres per minute. One major cause of desertification is human interaction/humans overusing the land. Examples of how humans overuse land to the point of degradation are farming, mining, over grazing livestock, and clear-cutting. One area that is majorly affected by desertification is sub-Saharan Africa. An estimated 70% of the drylands in Africa used for agricultural purposes are being swept away by desertification. This is severely tragic for the people of sub-Saharan Africa because everything they depend on comes from their immediate surroundings. Therefore, if their farmlands are no longer useful, their food source is no longer existent. How to cite Global Environmental Issues, Essay examples Global Environmental Issues Free Essays Environmental issues are a major problem in our world, and all people need to recognize the need for our social obligations. The effect of humans on our planet has increased significantly over the years. Not only is the population constantly growing, there is â€Å"new technical power to dig deeper, cut faster, build larger, and traverse more quickly great distances in automobiles, trucks, and planes† (Brown, 2001). We will write a custom essay sample on Global Environmental Issues or any similar topic only for you Order Now Severe environmental issues have appeared throughout the world as a result. It is very important that environmentalists work to educate everyone so that they can learn how to make the most effective ethical decisions in order to preserve nature. There are ethical and social obligations that the world needs to consider when it comes to environmental issues. People do not have respect for nature because they think they are superior, but everyone should learn how to live in harmony with nature and the environment. It is critical that we learn how to preserve our world in which we live. Climate change and global warming, gas emissions, population growth, and energy security are just a few of the many areas of environmental issues that we need to address in our world. All of these areas could have disastrous global consequences, and everyone should learn how to make the best decisions to try to protect the environment. â€Å"The climate is changing. The earth is warming up, and there is now overwhelming scientific consensus that it is happening, and human-induced. With global warming on the increase and species and their habitats on the decrease, chances for ecosystems to adapt naturally are diminishing. Many are agreed that climate change may be one of the greatest threats facing the planet† (Anup, 2009). Global warming and climate change can be best described as an increase in average global temperatures. The increases in â€Å"greenhouse gases† such as carbon dioxide created by human activities are one of the main causes contributing to the increase of global temperatures (Anup, 2009). Many people do not understand exactly the meaning of greenhouse gases. â€Å"The meaning of the greenhouse effect can be defined in these following steps: ? Energy from the sun drives the earth’s weather and climate, and heats the earth’s surface; ? In turn, the earth radiates energy back into space; ?Some atmospheric gases including water vapor, carbon dioxide, and other gases trap some of the outgoing energy, retaining heat somewhat like the glass panels of a greenhouse; ? These gases are therefore known as greenhouse gases; ?The greenhouse effect is the rise in temperature on Earth as certain gases in the atmosphere trap energy (Anup, 2009). † Here is an illustration showing the increased levels of gases that affect everyone on our planet. Gas emissions can be a huge problem that we are facing in today’s world. Human industrialization processes are growing at a very rapid pace. Carbon dioxide is the most significant of the greenhouse gases although it is not the strongest one (Anup, 2009). Most of the industrialized nations are responsible for the carbon dioxide emissions that can cause so much damage. The more underdeveloped countries do not contribute as much to this problem. Global warming affects us in more ways than we realize. Global warming will possibly lead to the following situations: rapid global heating, dramatic increase in greenhouse gas emissions, ozone loss, warming of the oceans, permafrost thawing, oceanic changes, massive extinction of species, and sudden collapse of biological and ecological systems may occur (Anup, 2009). The over population of the planet is also a concern for environmental ethics. The increased population helps to increase the amount of greenhouse gases, but it mainly contributes to the consumption of our world’s natural resources. The more advanced countries like the United States use so many resources. Our people waste so much more than they help to conserve. â€Å"Energy security is a growing concern for rich and emerging nations alike. The past drive for fossil fuel energy has led to wars, overthrow of democratically elected leaders, and puppet governments and dictatorships. † There are many concerns and fears which include oil and other fossil fuel depletion, reliance on foreign sources of energy, energy demands rising from advancing developing countries such as China and India, economic efficiency versus population growth debate, and renewable and other alternative energy sources. Shah, 2009). Many people are scared that we are wasting too much of our fossil fuels. They think that if we keep going at our current rate, we will quickly use up all of our fossil fuels. People need to try to consider all of the facts so that we can make good ethical decisions. It would be very wise to invest in alternatives to fossil fuels. In the present and future, we need to work on preser ving as much as we possibly can. Currently, we are trying to find alternative fuel sources instead of using all of our oil. That is just one example of ethical decisions that we are committing to. If everyone was informed about all of the dangers so that they could better understand the issues we are facing, they might possibly make better ethical decisions in their daily lives. Concluding, everyone in our world needs to wake up and notice what is going on around them. If we want our children to have a safe place to live in this world, we need to start doing everything that we can in order to protect and preserve it. It is our moral and social obligations to make ethical decisions because our decisions affect everyone around us. Climate change and global warming, gas emissions, population growth, and energy security are just a few of the things that we need to worry about. It is our responsibility to educate ourselves on these issues so that we can implement better and safer processes to use. Working together, we can help to come up with new ideas and slow down our destruction of our environment and homes. References Anup, S. (2009, December 30). Climate Change and Global Warming. Retrieved January 17, 2010, from Global Issues: http://www. globalissues. org/issue/178/climate-change-and-global-warming Brennan, A. , Lo, Y. -S. (n. d. ). Environmental Ethics. Retrieved January 15, 2009, from The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2009 Edition): http://plato. stanford. edu/archives/win2009/entries/ethics-environmental Brown, D. A. (2001). The Ethical Dimensions of Global Environmental Issues. Retrieved January 21, 2010, from American Academy of Arts Sciences: http://www. amacad. org/publications/fall2001/brown. aspx Ruggiero, V. R. (2008). Thinking Critically About Ethical Issues, (7th Edition). New York: McGraw-Hill. Shah, A. (2009, Novemeber 20). Energy Security. Retrieved January 16, 2010, from Global Issues: http://www. globalissues. org/artical/595/energy-security How to cite Global Environmental Issues, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Difference and Diversity for Lesbianism Gayism Bisexuality

Question: Discuss about theTheories of Difference and Diversityfor Lesbianism Gayism Bisexuality. Answer: Introduction It is important to highlight that this paper delves in the discussion of marriage quality in children rearing. There has been a lot of stereotype view on the rearing of children. On the roles of parenting, there is the notion that children get the best parental care from the biological parents as opposed to a same-sex couple. Queer theory envisages that the identities either males or female do not really determine who we are (Battle, Scott, 2000). The theory, therefore, puts a lot of emphasis on the diverse mismatches that are indicated between gender, desire, and sex. The theory is deeply rooted on the sex orientation and sexuality of individuals. According to the theory, the gender of an individual has a key role on the caring, molding and nurturing. In the traditional social set, gender and sexuality were categorized. Queer theory is thus an approach which rejects this categorization on the gender roles (Battle, Scott, 2000). In regards to the raising of children, it can be clea rly noted that the queer theory rejects the notion of child rearing left to the biological parents alone. In the 1970s, the feminists believed that every gender has its own features. The theory is built on the perception that feminist challenges to the notion that sexual orientation is an instrumental element in human nature and identity (Battle, Scott, 2000). It is linked with the Lesbianism Gayism Bisexuality (LGBT). The theory comes from the post-structuralist theory and deconstruction with the aim of withstanding sexual identities by making the heterosexuality idea normal (Battle, Scott, 2000). The theory is a tool used in deconstructing the monolithic ideals of the traditional and cultural norms and taxonomies of the society which are in existence (Battle, Scott, 2000). In addition, queer theory helps in giving an inclusive description of a certain group within the society who feel to be the minority or marginalized based on the prevailing practices within the society and their identity (Battle, Scott, 2000). In regards to this, children who are parented by biological parents are less likely to be abused by the parents (Bos et al., 2003). In the cases of same-sex parenting, the child is likely to be sexually abused because the parents can find the child to offer sexual satisfaction tat would have been offered by the opposite sex. This is quite detrimental to the social well-being of the children because they risk getting pregnancies at younger ages and even contracting certain diseases. Sexual abuse on children raised by the biological parents is very rare because the parents satisfy each others sexual desires and they focus on making their children better in the society (Bos et al., 2004). According to Bos et al. (2004), parenting children by the biological parents is that the children receive all the gender support which they need to make them fully complete in the society. In regards to this, mothers in many cases nurture their children. This kind of role is socially defined while the fathers are also socially seen to be carrying out discipline roles in the families. In the event the children are being parented by the same-sex couple, there is the possibility of a gap on who to carry the discipline role and who nurtures the children. This can be very adverse to the children because in many cases children raised by same couples lack certain qualities which the society expects of them. In addition, children brought up by their biological parents with both father and mothers are very comfortable discussing various issues with the parents of their gender. This implies that girls will discuss issues affecting them comfortably with their mothers and not the fathers. Childr en need all the parents as a way of balancing their lives (Bos et al., 2006). The girl-child needs the other a lot just as the boy-child needs the father to enable them to have all the facts in life about their sexes and social values as it relates to each gender. This can only be provided and seen in children brought up by their biological parents. The boys similarly discuss their matters with the fathers openly without fear as opposed to how they would have discussed with the mother in the same-sex couple. This goes on until their time they are married off. In the case where there is same-sex couple parenting, the children who do not see a parent of their gender will resort to getting pieces of advice from outside. Others can assume and finally find themselves getting early pregnancies or infections. Same couple parenting similarly has the effect of children getting involved in drug and substance abuse especially for the case of boys (Bos et al., 2007). When there are no fathers, the children will be a very comfortable having company with fellow teenagers and can be lured into drug abuse. Girls similarly can resort to getting married early in the case where there is no mother in a family and all the parents are all men as highlighted in the queer theory. They opt to marry off at early ages for fear of sexual and physical abuse . Having the biological parents in rearing children is therefore very fundamental in improving the normal development of a child. Children raised by their biological parents are likely to get a lot of parental love, attention, and care from the parents compared to the children reared under the same couple. In regards to this, biological parents have a stronger affection and love through the blood relationship thereby feeling more connected to the children. This makes them love the children wholeheartedly and care so much about the children. The same-sex couple in many cases adopts children thereby lacking the blood relationship with the children hence making such children to lack the parental love and care they would have received if brought up by their biological parents (MacCallum Golombok, 2004). In addition, the children brought up by biological parents faceless physical assault and violence compared to the children raised by the same couple. The Same couple usually is either gays or lesbians. In the event the child is the opposite sex to the couple, some same couple do develop sexual hatred towards such c hildren and become violent to the children which oblige the children to elope from the homes at a young age and become street children or involve themselves in immorality as a result of frustration and violence they receive from the same couple parents. Children raised by biological parents do not experience such violence because both the father and the mother are in the family thereby making the gender balance the center in the growth (Patterson et al. 2004). Besides, children raised by the biological parents are likely to get an education and other services from the best facilities compared to the children reared by the same sex couple. The love and affection that biological parents have towards their children propel them into wanting the best or their children hence the need to give the children the best education and health services. Same couple parents can have children only as a way of having the title of being a parent without having any parent love for the children. Such can make the same couple to fail to give the children the best education or simply send them to any school provided they get an education without showing any concern towards the success of the children (Patterson et al. 2004). Same sex at times argues and fa il to come to a consensus on who should be responsible for the provision of various essential services like education and health to the children (Patterson et al. 2004). This can lead to poor parental care received by the children compared to the children raised by the biological parents where all the parents feel they are all responsible for the provision of the best services to the children. The biological upbringing of children is also instrumental to the social well-being of the children along with their peers (Pruett, 2000). This is because children who are raised by biological parents are not subjected to bullying in schools and in the society compared to the children raised by the same couple. Bullying makes such children be depressed and can even fail to associate well with their peers thereby lowering their self-esteem. Raising children by both parents limits chances of bullying and therefore their self-esteem of the children is not affected by depression (Patterson et al. 2004). This can make such children to have good performance in their education and even associate well with the peers because they will not be discriminated in any way. Similarly, biological parenting to children limits the possibilities of children committing suicide or engaging in immoralities. As reiterated earlier, children brought up by same-sex face bullying and discrimination at home and school from the peers as well as violence from the parents. Biological parenting thus helps in giving the children direction on solving problems and issues (Patterson et al. 2004). Children in many cases resort to escaping from their homes and engaging in immoral activities just to find their peace but in the end, live a wasted life. Gender equality in the society is a very important element they should be instilled in the mind of children from a young age (Kindle Erich, 2005). Children raised by the biological parents are very inclusive and appreciate the need for gender equality in achieving various roles. This is lacking mostly in children raised by the same couple because they view their parents to be of the same sex and therefore they have the notion of independence in carrying out roles in the society. Children in the society need to understand the need to enhance gender equality in their lives and this is instilled from how they see both the mother and the father working harmoniously in supporting the family. Children need to properly know the gender roles in the society and therefore children brought up by the biological parents are well trained by the parents on the roles that male and female carry out. Through this, the children develop a sense of gender inclusivity by seeing every gender to be very im portant in the society. Same couple families, on the contrary, have same-sex parents who end up doing similar jobs in as much as one tries to act as the opposite sex to the other (Hilton et al. 2001). This gives such children limited roles that they can emulate as per the social values. In addition, the children grow by having in mind the need to strengthen the social and family values. Marriage is a great institution in the society which is expected to be for female and male (Eitle, 2006). Children raised by the biological parents portray marriage to have a lot of sanctity compared to the children raised by the same sex. When children are reared by the same couple, they will definitely follow such traits of the parents and this will be against certain cultural norms and social values. The children will get their partners who are similar sex just as they are making because marriage to them is having a partner who is the same sex as them. Raising children by biological parents streamlines the children naturally with the marital norms and values of the society (Eitle, 2006). This thereby makes them have a strong perception about marriage as a fundamental institution in the society. The children similarly will understand how reproduction occurs as opposed to when they are raised by the same sex. Usually, same-sex parents find themselves walking together or spending much time together and not with the children (Drexler and Gross, 2005). This makes the children lose the attachment they should have with the parents and assume independence from a very young age. It also gives the children an impression that they are neither loved nor valued by the parents. Children raised by the biological parents, on the contrary, have their parents either together or one remains with the children at home or they go out as a family. This is important in training the children on better parenting for the children and even just how to love each other. Such children are very close to their parents and feel loved which motivates them a lot. They get motivated to be good parents to their children just as their parents are good to them. Besides, biological parenting also helps the parents in keeping the child in check by monitoring the behavior of the child thereby making their children be very respon sible every day. Conclusion In conclusion, it can be noted that biological upbringing of children has a lot of significance to the general wellbeing and development of the children. Children are very fragile and require sufficient support, guidance, love and care to become better people (Brinamen, 2000). Biological parenting is an instrumental form of parenting that helps in making the children to get the right guidance, molding and get streamlined to be familiar with all that pertains to their wellbeing. This helps in making the child to effectively balance their life and be conversant with the social and cultural values which are of great importance. Children need their fathers to discipline the well while the mother nurtures them thereby making them be better and whole to the society. Upbringing by biological parents is the only way that children learn the roles that each gender is expected to do and also making the children be on par with the social values of every gender (Demuth Brown, 2004). A same-sex c ouple has many limitations to the general wellbeing of children and is a key factor behind the high number of children in the streets and immorality (Battle Coates, 2004). The children see this as a way to be away from the parents that frustrate, harass and assault children. References Battle, J., Coates, D. L. (2004). Father-only, mother-only, single-parent family status of Black girls and achievement in grade twelve and at two years post high school. Journal of Negro Education, 73, 392407. Battle, J., Scott, B. M. (2000). Mother-only versus father-only households: Educational outcomes for African American males. Journal of African American Men, 5, 93116. Bos, H. M. W., van Balen, F., van den Boom, D. C. (2003). Planned lesbian families: Their desire and motivation to have children. Human Reproduction, 18, 22162224. Bos, H. M. W., van Balen, F., van den Boom, D. C. (2004). The experience of parenthood, couple relationship, social support, and child-rearing goals in planned lesbian mother families. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 45, 755764. Bos, H. M. W., van Balen, F., van den Boom, D. C. (2007). Child adjustment and parenting in planned lesbian-parent families. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 77, 3848. Bos, H. M. W., van Balen, F., Sandfort, T. G. M., van den Boom, D. C. (2006). Childrens psychosocial adjustment and gender development in planned lesbian families. Working paper, Social andBehavioralSciencesDepartmentofEducation, University of Amsterdam. Brinamen, C. F. (2000). On becoming fathers: Issues facing gay men choosing to parent. Dissertation Abstracts International, 61(5-B), 2794. Brines, J., Joyner, K. (1999). The ties that bind: Principles of cohesion in cohabitation and marriage. American Sociological Review, 64, 333355. Demuth, S., Brown, S. L. (2004). Family structure, family processes, and adolescent delinquency: The signi?cance of parental absence versus parental gender. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 41, 5881. Drexler, P. F., Gross, L. (2005). Raising boys without men: How maverick moms are creating the next generation of exceptional men. Emmaus, PA: Rodale Press. Eitle, D. (2006). Parental gender, single parent families, and delinquency: Exploring the moderating in?uence of race/ethnicity. Social Science Research, 35, 727748. Hilton, J. M., Desrochers, S.,Devall, E. L.(2001). Comparison of role demands, relationships, and child functioning in single-mother, single-father, and intact families. Journal of Divorce and Remarriage, 35, 2956. Kindle, P. A., Erich, S. (2005). Perceptions of social support among homosexual and heterosexual- dual adopters. Families in Society, 86, 541546. MacCallum, F., Golombok, S. (2004). Children raised in fatherless families from infancy: A follow-up of children of lesbian and single heterosexual mothers at early adolescence. Journal of Psychology and Psychiatry, 45, 14071419. Patterson, C. J., Sut?n, E. L., Fulcher, M. (2004). Division of labor among lesbian and heterosexual parenting couples: Correlates of specialized versus shared patterns. Journal of Adult Development, 11, 179189. Pruett, K. D. (2000). Father need: Why father care is as essential as mother care for your child. New York: Free Press. P., Noret, N. (2008). Victimization, social support, and psychosocial functioning among children of same-sex and opposite-sex couples in the United Kingdom. Developmental Psychology 44, 127134. Sandberg, J. F., Hofferth, S. L. (2001). Changes in childrens time with parents: The United States, 19811997. Demography, 38, 423436.