Friday, November 29, 2019

Reasons Why Welfare Doesnt Always Work Essay Example

Reasons Why Welfare Doesnt Always Work Paper Amanda Smith Today in America, there are thousands of Americans are welfare for different reasons. Whether people lost their job and can’t afford their necessities, or possibly they don’t have motivation to get a job and want to live off the government’s money. It could be that there is a single mother of two children who simply can’t afford the necessities for her children and herself even with a job, or maybe their handicapped or they are older and aren’t healthy enough to work and provide for themselves. Welfare is a program created by the government to improve the financial situation of people in need. Many people today in America who are on welfare are abusing the program, whether they don’t find a job and continue to stay on welfare for years, or spend money on drugs or something not needed instead of paying bills and buying necessary items. Other programs like Medicare and food stamps, to the elderly or the people that really need this help, are getting denied because they don’t qualify but yet they are barely providing for themselves or they can’t provide. Some of these programs that the government has created are not working the way they were meant to. We will write a custom essay sample on Reasons Why Welfare Doesnt Always Work specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Reasons Why Welfare Doesnt Always Work specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Reasons Why Welfare Doesnt Always Work specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Welfare is supposed to be good and helpful but it’s being seen as wasteful, not worth it by others, and simply has other issues that the government is in need of solving. It is supposed to be helping people such as single mothers get back on their feet, however many are abusing this help and having more children to continue receiving welfare money for a long period of time. People are not supposed to be on welfare for a long period of time, this program was meant to help people out temporarily so they could get back to work and provide for themselves, soon though, not years later (wikipedia). However, it is making some people lazier by getting money just to sit at home and do nothing. Some people are not motivated to get a job, or simply do not want a job and would prefer to live on welfare for years and not even use that money for the right things like clothing, bills, etc. Welfare reforms have reduced the probability of women going to college, even finishing high school, which isn’t going to help them get a decent paying job (NBER). Many people on welfare are using that money for alcohol, drugs, gambling, etc. There is no law stating that people have to pass a drug test o receive welfare, but there should be some kind of procedure or questioning being done to people who are applying for welfare or for those who are already on welfare, to know whether they really deserve it if they are going to spend their money on the right or wrong thing (npr). As a working taxpayer, I contribute to the welfare system and I don’t really want to support an addiction to dru gs. Government assistance is good for those people who don’t abuse it and are willing to take the random drug tests no matter how degrading or unnecessary it may be. If people truly need the help, then they should be willing to do what it takes to receive that assistance. Many jobs require a drug test and if they don’t pass, they don’t get the job. It’s that simple. This should apply to welfare, if you don’t pass, you don’t get the benefits. Some people think that if you deny people these privileges that these people are going to steal and sell drugs to put food on the table (npr). Who’s to say that they won’t stop stealing or selling drugs? It’s not guaranteed. To the people who aren’t abusing the system, it may be a little bit of a hassle to go through the drug test but it’s worth it. It’s better off helping the people who actually want help and are using this assistance the way it should be. Medicare is a health insurance program administered by the United States government for people over the age of 65 (wikipedia). This is another program that needs some things changed. One problem this program faces, is the diversity in the elderly. While this coverage starts at the age of 65, people 80 and over are benefiting from it more. The medical needs of a 65 year old man could differ dramatically from an 80 year old man. Also, American seniors differ not only by age but also race, ethnicity, culture, and geographic region with different healthcare systems ( Freedom works). This program is trying to shove the needs of all the elderly, no matter how different their situations are, into one system that is going to help them all, and it’s not. A second problem with this program is the financial situation. As the baby boom generation begins to reach eligible age for Medicare, the cost will begin to rise dramatically. Congress will attempt to impose cost-controls on a system already beginning to deliver inadequate care to the different people of the elderly population (Freedom works). Food stamps is a government program made to assist low income families receive food. Many families may have someone working but making very little or not enough to provide food on the table. However, many of these working families do not get the food stamps they really need. Between 1994 and 1999, the number of people receiving food stamps declined by 35% and poverty went down 15% (Food stamps for working families). This decline in food stamp enrollment was because of families becoming ineligible because of income going up or welfare reform rules excluding certain groups from receiving food stamps. Many families have left welfare for work and have lost their food stamps because of this. They were looking to keep the food stamps for the transition of their family. It’s not fair that these people who are actually working and trying to make some money for their family are not receiving the food stamps when they really need them. There is also people who sell their food stamps for their necessities, and some who sell them for illegal substances. (Selling food stamps for kid‘s shoes). It has a little similarity to welfare. Many people who receive the stamps are supposed to be buying healthy groceries for themselves, and their family, but many don’t. They resort to cheap and fatty food, like McDonald’s then they can still have money left over for other things, for necessities, or not. It’s not surprising that some lower-income families have weight problems because of what they’re doing with their food stamps. The programs that the government have created are meant to help people, and to some they are. There are many Americans though who are abusing the system and it can be difficult to catch these people. They all have flaws in them that are pretty controversial and difficult to amend, and some people don‘t think these aren‘t such a huge problem as other things are in today‘s society. How each of these problems are solved in each program will be a difficult task, if the government decides to do it. I think these programs need to be fixed immediately, before the costs for these programs becomes too much and things get out of hand. Bibliography â€Å"Welfare Reform Has Led to More Work but Less Education† National Bureau of Economic Research. 6 May 2010. â€Å"Reform as I Knew It: When Bad Things Happen to Good Policies† 1 May 1996. The American Prospect. 6 May 2010. â€Å"Medicares Two Fundamental Problems† 17 July 2003. Freedom Works. 6 May 2010. â€Å"Welfare† Wikipedia. 6 May 2010. â€Å"Medicare† Wikipedia. 6 May 2010. â€Å"Selling Food Stamp’s For Kid’s Shoes† 16 February 2010. Urban Habitat. 6 May 2010.

Monday, November 25, 2019

The German Infinitive Verb Form

The German Infinitive Verb Form Just like in English, the German infinitive is the basic form of a verb (schlafen/to sleep). However, it is less frequently found than in English to be accompanied by the preposition zu/to. The following is an overview of specifics pertaining to the German infinitive. The Ending of German Infinitives Most German infinitives end with -en (springen/to jump), but there are also some verbs that end in the infinitive with -ern, -eln, -n (wandern/to wander, hike, sammeln/to collect, sein/to be). Tenses and Moods The German infinitive is used in the following tenses and moods: The future: Er will morgen arbeiten./He wants to work tomorrow.Conjunctive II: Mein Vater mà ¶chte gerne nach Kà ¶ln reisen./My father would like to travel to Cologne.In the passive: Die Tà ¼r sollte verriegelt sein./The door should be locked.In the passive perfect: Das Kind scheint zu spt angekommen zu sein./The child seems to have arrived too late.With modal verbs:  Der Junge soll die Banana essen, aber er will nicht./The boy should eat the banana, but he does not want to. Infinitives as Nouns Infinitives can become nouns. No changes are necessary. Only you must remember to precede the infinitive noun with the article das and to always capitalize it. For example: das Liegen/the lying-down, das Essen- the food, das Fahren/the driving. Infinitives as Subject Some German infinitives can stand in as the subject of a sentence. Some of these are: anfangen, aufhà ¶ren, beginnen, andenken, glauben, hoffen, meinen, vergessen, versuchen. For example: Sie meint, sie hat immer recht./Sie meint, immer recht zu haben: She thinks she is always right. Note: If you say: Sie meint, er hat immer recht you cant replace er with the infinitive since the original subject of the sentence isnt restated. Ich freue mich, dass ich ihn bald wiedersehe./I am happy that I will be able to see him again.Ich freue mich ihn bald wiederzusehen./Im happy to see him again. Conjugated Verb Infinitive Only a handful of verbs can pair up with an infinitive in a German sentence. These verbs are: bleiben, gehen, fahren, lernen, hà ¶ren, sehen, lassen. (Ich bleibe hier sitzen/I will stay sitting here.) Conjunction Infinitive   Phrases with the following conjunctions will always carry a German infinitive, whether it a short or longer phrase: anstatt, ohne, um. For example:   Er versucht ohne seinen Stock zu gehen./He tries to walk without his cane.Sie geht in die Schule, um zu lernen./She goes to school to learn. Noun Infinitive   Sentences with der Spaß and die Lust will carry a German infinitive: Sie hat Lust, heute einkaufen zu gehen./She feels like going shopping today. Sentences with the following nouns will also carry a German infinitive: die Absicht, die Angst, die Freude, die Gelegenheit, der Grund, die Mà ¶glichkeit, die Mà ¼he, das Problem, die Schwierigkeiten, die Zeit. For example: Ich habe Angst dieses alte Auto zu fahren./I am scared to drive this old car.Sie sollte diese Gelegenheit nicht verpassen./She should not miss this opportunity. Exceptions: There will not be an infinitive  if there is a conjunction in the sentence: Es gibt ihr viel Freude, dass er mitgekommen ist./It gives her great joy that he came along.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Analysis of Chakushin Ari Film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Analysis of Chakushin Ari Film - Essay Example Supernaturalism, monsters, cults, mad scientist, old castles, graveyards, and uncharted islands are some of the features of a horror film. Films not dealing with those particulars are to be classified as something else. The test of a film should be the film itself not the broad terms used to describe it. When a film is judged in terms of its photography, direction, acting or in terms of its relevance contemporary nature of its contents, the horror film is worse than the ordinary drama or comedy. Scholars have asserted that the aforementioned features are not the only measures to categorize a horror movie. Arguably, the external appearance of films can fail to indicate the right direction hence necessary to incorporate emotional factors. Ignoring the emotions in the horror film may easily make one to point in the wrong direction. A film gains popularity if it can provoke emotions of the viewers and therefore, the more the provocative emotions in a film the more quality it becomes, as in the case of â€Å"Chakushin Ari†Ã¢â‚¬  film. In this context, horror films are more provocative than others making the genre become famous hence gaining more viewers.Any filmmaker should turn a script or a concept into a series of sounds and images that express the essence and the surface of the source. Making a successful horror film, the filmmaker should decide the primary of the production of horror. Why, for instance, a film like â€Å"Chakushin Ari† is labeled a work of horror and not a murder thriller or a detective? Anyone who has ever watched this film would admit that it inspires dread and fear and therefore deserves the name horror film. The structure of horror film â€Å"Chakushin Ari† is an example of films that employ much the same devices and method, as does the horror film. The form in which the film is presented and the content within the same film determine if they a contain a feature of horror films. Therefore, from the features, it is possible to verdict if such a film is an exclusive work of horror. The films of this genre are not just a sequence of events but also unity of a certain kind of actions. Horror, like comedy, drama, or suspense

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Business ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4

Business ethics - Essay Example that there was a big problem with epidemics of AIDS along with hepatitis B, hepatitis C and some other lethal diseases among American medical workers during the 1990s. The problem concerned the fact that the syringes that hospitals provided their workers with were extremely unsafe, as they were constructed the way that it was easy to get a needlestick injury if used inappropriately. Hence, nurses often got injured in some extreme medical situations that required fast actions; very often they got injuries with the syringes that contained the blood of the patients that had the lethal diseases mentioned above. The cost of such injuries was estimated at $400 million to $1 billion a year. Thus on December 6, 1991, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) brought in safety precautions and obligated hospitals to provide their workers with special trainings concerning prevention of the injuries like that. However the prevention measures caused a lot of discussions, as they were not efficient at all. The point was that considering the difficulty of nurses’ work and their obligation to react immediately most of the time, it appeared to be impossible to teach them how to avoid accidents involving injuries. About 70 percent of all the needles and syringes used by U.S. health care workers were manufactured by Becton Dickinson. Even though the huge harm had been done to medical workers, production of a new design of safer syringes required a lot of funds and resources, as reorganization of manufacturing would cost a lot of money for Becton Dickinson. Therefore the company wanted to shorten their expenses and the only measure they suggested was putting warning labels on their production without any actual engineering changes in the syringes. However, on December 23, 1986, a patent for a syringe with a tube surrounding the body of the syringe that could be pulled down to cover and protect the needle on the syringe was issued to Norma Sampson (a nurse) and

Monday, November 18, 2019

Coca cola Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Coca cola - Essay Example One such brand that can be sold to people in having health benefits are product lines from the well-known Coca Cola Company, which boasts of more than 3,500 and continuously increasing number of products, and gains further brand strength due to its strong involvement with consumers through various media collaborations, well-established corporate social responsibilities, and continued expansion to many markets around the globe (The Coca-Cola Company, 2013). Coca-Cola’s placement in the security level of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs comes as the result of combining a strong brand image along with health benefits apart from satisfying customers’ physiological needs such as food and water, which in turn gives it an edge over other food and beverage brands which may only advertise or give an impression of fulfilling basic physiological needs. While Coca-Cola may well be one of the well-established or the most-trusted brand targeting the customer demographic, various re asons for motivational conflicts or cognitive dissonance can arise among its customers. One of the biggest possible conflicts could happen to health-conscious consumers, who are fully-informed of the high-sugar content of most of the flagship carbonated drinks of the brand, as well as the use of artificial or alternative sweeteners originally-aimed at them. In addition, the issue of obesity among the said target demographic and even among consumers outside this group of people can also be affected in purchasing the product due to health reasons (e.g. physician instructions to reduce carbohydrate and sugar intake). These customers may become dissuaded to keep buying the product or reduce their consumption due to health reasons, despite being satisfied with their previous purchases, creating a conflict between their beliefs and what the product represents (Akers, 2013). Thus, while the brand may keep most of its loyal customers, other potential and past customers may not be easily sha ken to keep on buying or consuming the product as they once did before encountering motivational conflicts in its purchase. In order for the brand to keep afloat, it must be able to provide something for customers who become dissuaded as a result of conflicts between the product’s content and their rationalized choices (Akers, 2013). This can either be done through marketing of health-conscious choices in drinks, or alternatively creating a product line showing an image of health and wellness. One thing that marketers can do is to present all of its products to consumers through advertisements using images of health and wellness, although at present such strategies may not be effective in the long-run due to the rise in meticulous and thoughtful consumers. Another stronger option to increase sales and consumer involvement with the product is to create a product line that targets the health-conscious consumer demographic. Marketable products may include carbonated drinks but i nstead of using alternative sweeteners, the product has lesser sugar content than the original product. Another example of a product for the health-conscious consumer is a wide selection of natural fruit juices, which also has less sugar added in comparison to other competitor products. By adding alternatives to pre-existing choices health-conscious consumers have more options in buying their beverages within the Coca-Cola product line associated with lesser motivational conf

Saturday, November 16, 2019

A Network Technology And Data Communications Information Technology Essay

A Network Technology And Data Communications Information Technology Essay A WAN, or Wide Area Network, is a network that covers a large area, for example computers on opposite sides of the planet communicating. Usually, WANs are 2 or more LANs (Local Area Networks) connected together. One of the most well-known examples of a WAN is something we all use every day: the Internet. Types of WANs PTO Switched Services Here I will look at some of the most commonly known examples of PTO Switched Services. Circuit Switching Circuit switching is based on the sender and receiver making the most of the full communication channel for the length of the communication. This type of switching can be found in the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) where telephone calls are started by the person dialling but arent completed until the person receiving the call answers. The main advantage of circuit switching is that it is extremely reliable for what it does. Another advantage is that once the connection is set up, it is fast to use and relatively error-free. The disadvantages include the cost of the initial set up and the time that it takes to set up the particular channel. There is also the chance of a failure at one point causing a disruption in all communications. Lastly, although there are many paths available, you can only communicate on one path at a time, meaning that if you want to talk to someone else you will have to start the process again, in the same vein once a path is established that channel will be unavailable to other users. To attempt to overcome the problems of circuit switching, packet switching was introduced. Examples of Circuit Switching PSTN PSTN, or Public Switched Telephone Network, is a circuit-switching network that uses internationally agreed codes and unique identifiers (telephone numbers) to operate. The PSTN network was originally made for fixed-line analogue telephone systems but the PSTN is now almost completely digital and also incorporates mobile telephones alongside analogue ones. ISDN ISDN, or Integrated Services Digital Network, is a communications standard used internationally to send data, including voice and video, over digital or regular phone lines, at the same time. One of the most well known uses of ISDN is for Internet access, with ISDN providing a maximum speed for upload and download of 128 Kbit/s. Leased Lines A leased line is a symmetric telecommunications line connecting two locations for voice and/or data communications. Unlike PSTN lines, leased lines dont have a telephone number; instead each side of the line is permanently connected to the other. Usually, leased lines are used by businesses to directly connect offices that are far apart, however shorter distances are also used for convenience. The main difference between leased lines and dial-up connections is that a leased line is always active. The main advantage of leased lines is the guarantee of a high level of quality, this is because the connection doesnt carry anybody elses data. Packet Switching Packet switching is a communications method that works by splitting the data being sent into smaller chunks, called packets. When the data is sent it can end up being sent through different paths to arrive at its destination. Each time a packet goes through a switch, router or adapter it is buffered and queued, which can slow down how quick the packets arrive at their destination, which also means the order of delivery can also be different. Examples of Packet Switching X.25 X.25 is one of the oldest packet-switched services that are still available and used, although it is now being replaced by less complex protocols, like IP (internet Protocol). It was developed before the OSI Reference Model so the protocol suite is essentially just three layers, which are almost the same as the lower three layers of the seven-layer OSI model (Physical, Data and Network layers). X.25 is designed to operate effectively regardless of which systems are connected to the network. It is typically used by telephone service providers which allows them to charge their customers based on their use of the network. Frame Relay Frame relay is a telecommunication service geared towards cost-efficient data transmission between local area networks and wide area networks. Frame relay sends packets at the data link layer of the OSI model rather than at the Network layer. A frame can use packets from different protocols such as Ethernet and X.25 and is also variable in size with some being as large as 1000bytes or more. Frame Relay was originally a stripped-down version of X.25, but managed to distance itself from the error-correcting which is most commonly associated with X.25. Instead when Frame Relay finds an error, it just drops the packet. Frame Relay works on the basis of shared-access and uses a technique known as best-effort, where error-correction is almost obsolete however there is also no guarantee of reliable data delivery, instead it leaves the error correcting to each end of the connection. SMDS SMDS, or Switched Multimegabit Data Service, is a telecommunications service that provides connectionless, high-performance, packet-switched data transport. As SMDS is neither a protocol nor a technology, it means that it can support standard protocols and communications interfaces that are using current, as well as future, technology. SMDS can use either fibre or copper-based lines and works on the data link and physical layers of the OSI model. Mobile and Broadband Services The greatest change to WANs and most internet services in the near future is expected to be the rise and increase of quality in mobile and broadband services and standards. ATM ATM, or Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) is a data link as well as a network layer circuit switched protocol which is connection based. For example a logical connection has to be made between both end points before data can start to be sent or received. ATM also divides the data being sent into small sized cells, each consisting of 53 bytes (48 Bytes for Data and 5 Bytes for Header Information). The process of splitting the data into a fixed size is what makes ATM different from packet switched networks that use different length packets, like IP. xDSL DSL, or Digital Subscriber Line, provides customers with digital services through their telephone system. The x simply means that there are a range of different DSL technology available. DSL is probably the most used method for people to access digital services, such as the internet as it is cheaper than leased lines and also faster than ISDN, with speeds of upto 1.5Mb/s download speed and 128kb/s upload speed available on ADSL (Asymmetric DSL). This is down to the fact that DSL uses a digital modem rather than an analogue one, meaning that the data doesnt need to be converted before it is sent.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Return :: essays research papers

The Return Essay   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The novel The Return, written by Sonia Levitin, is a fascinating novel written to show the oppression that Ethiopian Jews suffer. The Return is about a young Ethiopian Jewish woman named Desta, who, with her immediate family, travels to Israel for freedom. During this journey, her brother Joas is shot and dies, she has difficulty finding the group she is supposed to walk with, and she has to stay in a refugee camp for a short period of time. Finally, she reaches her destination and lives in Israel from then on. There are three main topics illustrated in this novel. Prejudice and its effects, maturing and finding one’s own identity, and joining together to achieve common goals.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Prejudice against Ethiopian Jews plays a big role in the Jews’ lives. For example, early on in the novel, Joas makes Desta realize that Ethiopian Jews are not even allowed to pray aloud. This relates to prejudice and its effects because praying aloud is very important for Jews and taking that away from them is the ultimate form of oppression. Furthermore, the novel explains that Ethiopian Jews are called Falasha (strangers) even though they have lived in Ethiopia for generations and are citizens. This is an example of the prejudice because calling an entire section of the population strangers makes them feel like outsiders. Also, when Desta and her aunt want to sell their pottery, the other Ethiopians pay them an unfair price. The prejudice against Ethiopian Jews is illustrated by the fact that non-Jewish Ethiopians cheat Jewish Ethiopians in commerce. Finally, when Desta and Almaz go to a small town on the way to Israel, the people of the town begin shouti ng at them, â€Å"You are buda, go before we kill you!† The people also refuse to give them food even though they are obviously starving. This episode in the novel shows the racial hatred felt by many against Jews.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  During the journey to Israel, maturing and finding one’s own identity plays a big part in Desta’s and her family’s lives. For example, when Joas is shot, Desta has to take care of her younger sister and lead the way to Israel. This shows maturing on Desta’s part because now she is the one in charge, she is able to take care of her younger sister and get food so that she and her sister do not starve and she never gives up on going to Israel.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Principles of Managing Information and Producing Documents Essay

Unit title: Principles of managing information and producing documents 1. Understand the purpose of information technology in a business environment 1. 1 Identify different types of information technology that may be used for work tasks Types of technology that could be used to do tasks at work are computer software like: Microsoft Word which is software used to create documents Excel is software that can be used for storing and organising data. Publisher is software which is used to create almost anything from documents to greeting cards. Could also use a fax machine, telephone and send emails. 1. 2 Outline the benefits of using information technology for work tasks The benefits of using technology for work tasks include: Speed – A computer can search through files and records quickly to find the information you require. It can also make it quicker and easier to change a mistake. Editing – If you hand write documents if there was a mistake you would have to retype from scratch, but on the computer documents can be easily amended. Quality – On the computer there are many tools that make the quality of a document better like spell and grammar check, templates, different fonts and emboldening, borders, bullet points or numbering and all them enable high quality documents to be produced. Access – On a computer you can control who gets access to the documents because you can just send it to certain people or if you have a password on the computer it restricts who can get on. 1. Understand how to manage electronic and paper based information 1. 1 Explain the purpose of agreeing objectives and deadline for researching information The purpose of agreeing objectives and deadlines is to ensure that you collect all the needed information to complete the task given and you will have a correct date to finish it by. You will also know what sort of resources to use to collect the data because depending on what you’re looking for something’s could be copy righted which you cannot use because it’s illegal. 1. 2 Identify different ways of researching, organising and reporting information Different sources of research are: Paper-based like libraries and newspapers. Technological which is internet, CD/DVDS and television. Asking people which is primary research and gathering research yourself is secondary. To organize information you could: Organise informations according to relevance. Put it in numeric or alphabetical order. Keep it in date order. Different ways of Filing information: Numeric order. Alphabetical Date To report information means keep a log of your information and its sources. First you should plan a report and know what the purpose is for it, then find the data you need to write a report, should then produce a draft and check everything you need is there and then finalise your report and checking it again. 1. 1 Describe procedures to be followed for archiving, retrieving and deleting information, including legal requirements, if required Electronic and paper-based methods: Out guide/Absent cards – Are used when someone removes a file from the shelf and they will insert an out guide in its place which will say which file has been taken and who has taken it. Cross Referencing – So if input onto the computer with a number you can find the original in the files. File retention polices – A company has to keep certain documents for a certain amount of time. Indexing – To keeping a list of names or subjects with references to the pages so able to find when needing the original copy from a file. You can store information on a hard drive inside your pc, you can save it onto a CD/DVD or a memory stick. You can keep data safe by having a password on everything that needs to be kept private, and could have locked away in a certain order in some unit cabinets so only certain people can get in and see the information. The best way to dispose important and personal data is to shred it. 1. 2 Explain why confidentiality is critical when managing information Confidential information could be someone’s personal details like their home address and bank details which must be kept secure under legislation requirements. It is important to keep details confidential to avoid identity theft, also makes clients feel more secure knowing there information is safe because they would not want anybody to find out there details. You can keep data secured manually which is held in a locked area or cabinet, or keep it electronically that is password controlled. 2. Understand the purpose of producing documents that are fit-for-purpose 2. 1 Identify reasons for producing documents that are fit-for-purpose Documents should be fit for purpose so that it is suitable for the audience it is intended for and so that it meets the company standards. To do this you need to make sure that the document is readable, is accurate on details and enhances the organisations reputation. 2. 2 Describe different types and styles of documents and when they are used Different types and styles of documents have different people to use for – Letters for clients and customers Emails with attachments for circulation information to colleagues Reports for providing information to colleagues Most companies have a certain house style template for documents which is formatted accordingly to the guidelines of the certain organisation. Having a template specific to the company has the benefit of promoting the company image and having consistency with documents. 1. Know the procedures to be followed when producing documents 1. 1 Identify reasons for agreeing the purpose, content, layout, quality standards and deadlines for the production of document Reasons may include ensuring the correct format is used for the type of document being produced, because if the purpose is unclear the document will not make sense as it needs to. Content – So you know how to write the document correctly for the audience. Style – Varies on the type of document, so if it was an agreement then a formal standard style would be used. Deadline – Makes the time frame clear for something to be complete, also gives the client a clear time when the project should be finished by. Efficiency – Makes the company look more professional and organised. Repetition – Doing good quality work on time gives a good impression of the company which could mean more work because they will be recommended because of its good repetition. 1. 2 Describe ways of checking finished documents for accuracy and correctness, and the purpose of doing so Ways of checking finished documents are by using the spell and grammar checker to ensure there are no mistakes, or you could ask a colleague to check the document to make sure all the necessary information has been included. You should always check that money, date, name and address details are all correct because if the address or money are incorrect someone wrong could be getting a lot or not enough money they need which would have a negative impact on the business and could lead to lost custom. 1. 3 Explain the purpose of confidentiality and data protection procedures when preparing documents You will be observing the Data Protection Act (1998) and policies and procedures of the organisation, this covers, Secure storage of documents Who should have access This is to avoid, Loss of personal data Damage to the business Prosecution The most sensitive information is anything that belongs in a personnel file like: Forms relating to employee benefits. Complaints from customers/co-workers. Records of attendance Warnings or other disciplinary actions Medical/Insurance records Litigation documents Forms providing emergency contacts Wage forms The information in a personnel file should be private and should have log ins to get into if saved onto a computer or saved in locked files and the only people that need access to it for wages etc, will have a key or the password. 1. 1 Compare different types of documents that may be produced from notes and the formats to be followed Documents that can be produced from notes are: Memo – The format will include â€Å"To†¦From†¦Ref†¦Date†¦Ã¢â‚¬  and then the relevant information being communicated. Letter – Printed on company header paper, listing reference, date, name, address, and subject, letter content, from, signature, name and job title. Also if the letter is confidential this must be stated. Report – Title, Introduction, Body of report, a conclusion, consistency of format is essential i. e. using the same font size and style throughout. Minutes – Title of the meeting, date was held, who attended. Agenda – Include apologies for absence, minuets of previous meeting, what it’s about, date, and time. 1. 2 Explain the procedures to be followed when preparing text from notes Procedures to follow when preparing text from notes Purpose for the notes. Format for the document. Check the notes to confirm right and amend if needed. Check you have all correct notes to make a document. Produce document. Check document.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

8 Ways to Optimize Your LinkedIn to Get the Job You Want

8 Ways to Optimize Your LinkedIn to Get the Job You Want LinkedIn is a useful and necessary career tool for almost everyone. But it can also be a fabulous job search tool. Trouble is, the ways in which this is true aren’t usually clear to a casual user. For example: If you’re just updating your profile and waiting to be discovered by recruiters or headhunters, then you can probably expect to wait a long time. This is true even if your profile is all a profile should be: with a professional photo, relevant job and education info, and nifty use of all the available bells and whistles for resume optimization. However, if you start to think of LinkedIn as a massive database and resource available to you, then you might actually stand a chance of getting a job through the site. You can spare yourself an enormous amount of legwork by checking up on companies, see who you know at any given firm, and even see what that company might be looking for.Here are a few strategies to help you get hired.1. Follow the companies you’d li ke to join one day.Choose 5-10 companies you might like to work for someday and follow them on LinkedIn. It’s a great way to learn extra intel about these companies that could be useful in an interview situation. You can even limit the companies you follow to ones that are close enough to your geographical location to be within range.2. Get more connections.You can increase your connections using the Advanced Search tool. Search for alumni of every school you’ve attended, former colleagues, even employees at companies you’d like to work for. Reach out ambitiously for connections. Join groups and follow their news feeds for more leads.3. Ask for recs.Recommendations are easy to ask for on LinkedIn. Getting managers, employees, and coworkers to post reviews on your profile can really help sell your candidacy to other jobs. When asking, however, try to personalize the standard message to ask for what you need, but also what that person might be most inclined or inf ormed to comment about.4. Stay active.Don’t just let your profile sit there, even if it’s great. Join groups and post in them. Engage with others’ content. Comment on news feeds from companies you like. Post articles that are relevant to your industry- this can make you look informed and engaged (and hirable!). Even just liking someone’s post can lead to a new connection.Quick tip: turn off your activity broadcasts (in your privacy settings) so that every one of your connections don’t receive an alert every time you add a website to your profile. Keep your broadcasts content-related and weighty.5. Use job alerts.You set up job alerts on all other job search sites, why not LinkedIn? The benefit here is that LinkedIn will give you access to the hirer/recruiter posting the job, so you’ll have somewhere to address your materials immediately. You can even start lining these alerts up before you’re ready to apply for jobs, just to be prepar ed and know what’s out there in your chosen field.6. Make your headline.Your headline actually matters. Think of it as your online brand. It’s the first and only thing a user will see when first searching for you. Your headline might be the thing that makes them click on your profile and read it, or even add you as a contact!7. Ask for introductions.You find you have a friend of a friend in a position to help you or hire you? Ask your friend to make an introduction. You can even ask passively, by using the â€Å"Get an Introduction† function (the arrow to the right of the â€Å"Send a Message† link).8. Get started.This is all great advice. Don’t file it away for â€Å"whenever you’re ready to start looking.† Most of these strategies will be most effective if you’ve built them up over a few months and then can wield them to their full benefit when the time comes for you to hunt.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

How to Study for the SSAT 8 Top Prep Tips

How to Study for the SSAT 8 Top Prep Tips SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you're interested in attending an independent school, you may have heard the termSSAT being batted around and may now be wondering how to studyfor the test. In this article, we'll briefly cover the basics of what the SSAT is and does,listthe best studymaterials to use, and offerkeySSAT prep strategies and tips. SSAT Prep Basics Before we diveinto how to study for the SSAT, let's make sure we're clear on some basic characteristics of thetest itself. What Is the SSAT? The SSAT, or Secondary School Admission Test, is a standardized test required by a number of independent schools worldwide as a part of any hopeful student's application. It's offered at three levels: Elementary, for students currently enrolled in Grades 3 or 4 Middle, for students currently enrolled in Grades 5 through 7 Upper, for students currently enrolled in Grades 8 through What Does the SSAT Test? The SSAT measures verbal, quantitative, and reading skills, all the while emphasizing critical thinking and problem solving. The quantitative sectiontests things likebasic operations, basic fractions, and ordering numbers (for the elementary-level students) and algebra, geometry, and data analysis (for the upper-level students). The verbal section consists of responding to synonym and analogy questions at an appropriatelevel for the student's age. The reading section is focused on answering comprehension and analysis questions related to short passages from a variety of genres. The test is almost entirely multiple-choice, withthe exception ofone15-25 minute free- response writing exercise. Younger students will be asked to write a short story, while older students will have the choice of constructing an essay if they prefer. The SSAT is designed to measures skills rather than achievement; in other words, it's not intended to rely on your mastery of specific material. This is supposed to help keep the test fair across all different backgrounds from which a student might originate. By its own admission, the test can't measure the other factorsthat make you a great student, like determination and creativity. That's why the test is only part of any application. It takes a golden combination of qualities to get admitted to a selective school. How Is the SSAT Scored? The SSAT is norm-referenced, meaning your final score is based on how well you do compared to other test takers. You will receive a scaled score and a percentile ranking. The scaled score's range will depend on the student's grade level: For Elementary, the range is 300-600 per section, or 1200-1800. For Middle, the range is 440-710 per section, or 1320-2130. For Upper, the range is 500-800 per section, or 1500-2400. The percentile ranking is always on a scale of 1-99, and it representsyour performanceas comparedto students of the same grade who tested on the SSAT for the first time within the past three years in the US or Canada. While the test is designed to be of "middle difficulty,"this is a very competitive group of students against which you're being scored- these are the select students applyingto the finest independent schools. BestSSAT StudyMaterial Before we get into how to study for the SSAT, let's talk about where to find theprep materials you need. The Official SSAT Guide The Official Guide is free to download for the Elementary Level and can easily be ordered for the Middle or Upper Level. The Official Guide is an essential component of preparing for the SSAT; it provides exposure to and an explanation of the format and content of the test. It answers a number of the essential questions you may have about the SSAT, including more in-depth information about its purpose and use, a detailed explanation of the scoring, and tips for how to prepare. It also includes official practice test problems, and, for Middle and Upper Level students, complete practice tests. SSAT Practice Tests Though these may be drawn from the Official Guide, I'm considering them a separate element here- same source, different resource. Use practice tests to familiarize yourself with the format, instructions, time constraints, and content. They're a great opportunity to practice as well as to ease the uncertainty you are likely to feel when facing a test of unknown characteristics. Practice tests also provide the perfect opportunity to assess your own strengths and weaknesses. From there, you can ask a teacher or parent for help on the specific areas where you struggle. Other SSAT PrepResources Once you've determined your weaknesses, you shouldscour the internet and the world of printfor extra study resourcesin those areas. Always check a source's legitimacy before you commit to using it; see who published it, what audience it's intended for, and, if possible, what kinds of results it's gotten. Also don't underestimate your teachers' valuable knowledge when it comes to finding workbooks and other practice problems; asking a teacher or librarian for help is a great place to start. Finally, you may want to consider findingsomeone to help you with your studying, whether that's a tutor or just a friend who can cheerlead you along the way. Again, don't be afraid to ask adults for help; teachers, librarians, and parents know a lot. As with most skills (like playing the violin), practice makes perfect. How to Study for the SSAT: 5 Steps Let's go though the prep process step-by-step. #1:Take an Official Practice Test You should start prepping at least three months before you plan to take the SSAT. The first step is to take a practice test and then analyze your performance: what are your strengths and weaknesses, and what growth will you need to see in order to reach your goal? Quantify where you are and where you want to be. Note your performance in each of the three scored content areas. #2: Study Regularly Having a regular study scheduleis vital to raisingyour score, since you need to put in real time and effort to improve Are you way behind your goal- say, more than 200 points? Think about scheduling at least an hour or two a weekfor Elementary students or up to three or fourhours a weekfor Upper students. Are youlooking to make a more moderate score increase of 100 - 200 points? You'll still want to study regularly, but can cut down to an hour or less per week for Elementary-level or roughly two hours per week for Upper-level. Are you right about where you need to be in your score? You don't need to put in quite the same level of sustained SSAT prep, but I still recommend taking one or two more practice teststo keep your scores stable (or even improve them!). #3: Focus on Your Weaknesses In your prep, focus in on the topicsthat were hardest for you, but don't forget to dust the ones you've mastered off pretty routinely, too. For the quantitative section, pay close attention in your math class; especially review/practice the topics that are slated to come up on the test, according to the Official Guide. For the verbal section, make a game of playing with synonyms and analogies in everyday life. Get your friends and family in on it, too, if you can! For the reading section, the best thing you can do is actively engage with reading on a daily basis. Draw from multiple genres, and force yourself to answer questions (your own or someone else's) about the text you've read. For all sections, complete practice problems as often as you can. Answering questions: one of the best ways to practice. #4: Take Another Practice Test- In Fact, Take a Few Take a practice test every three weeks or so- more often if you are uncomfortable with the test and want a greater improvement, less often if you feel at ease testing and are near your goal score. Use these practice tests as a time to increase your familiarity with the format and feel of the test. Also perform a check-in to see how your trouble areas are progressing. Ask where your focus needs to be at this point in time. #5: Slow Down About a Week Before the Test Give yourself plenty of time to relax; cut down on your study time, and get plenty of rest. Stop studying altogether a day or two before the test. You need to start storing up sleep for the big day! Everyone needs to relax sometimes! 3 More SSAT Prep Tips Here you'll find some additional helpful how-to's. Take the SSAT More Than Once If taking an actual SSAT as a sort of practice run is possible for you and your family, it's the best way to get a feel for the experience of the test. Figure out early on when you want to take this practice trial and when you want to take the real thing. Know the Format Inside and Out For example, Middle and Upper Level students will be up against a guessing penalty and will lose points for wrong answers, so they should only guess if they can eliminate choices. Elementary Level students do not have a guessing penalty and should fill in a bubble for every question. Also, Middle and Upper Level students will be asked to complete an unscored experimental section, which Elementary Level students will not. Don't Stress Too Much About the Test It's an important test and should be taken seriously, but excessive stress won't help anything. Keep the test in perspective; it won't make or break your life. When I was younger, I thought my gradesin elementary and middle school would help me get into the right program in high school, my grades there would get me into the right college, and attending the right college would set me up for a life of success. It doesn't work that way in real life. Yes, your grades and test scores look good on applications, but no school has the magical power to make you successful if you're admitted- or unsuccessful if you're not. Life is full of unexpected choices and alternateoptions, and colleges don't really care about the first report card you ever got. Remember: it's going to be OK. Conclusion Studying the SSAT is really a matter of knowing the format of the test and alternating between practice tests and good old-fashioned content review. It's a good idea to take at least a few practice tests before the real thing- it may even be bright to take an official SSAT for practice. As with any standardized test, remember that it represents just one part of you, and don't let it hang over you like a dark cloud. If you've been paying attention in school, you already know most of this material. Studying is still essential, but remember that the test has no power to define you. What's Next? Once you've got the SSAT out of the way, there may be other tests you want to study for. If you need to take the SAT, check out our guide to getting a perfect score on that particular exam. You may also appreciate our top five tips on how to study for the SAT. If you're not quite sure why the SAT might be so important, read about its importance in the process of college admissions. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Monday, November 4, 2019

Assignment 7 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

7 - Assignment Example They are therefore in any way not guilty of the accusations against them. Based on the Rowley family understanding of the FAPE, their daughter was entitled freely to have a sign language interpreter attend all her classes to aid in her learning despite the education board proving that she was fine in classes and performed above avarage with the help of the FM hearing aid kit. The accused, the education board, however, did yield to the demands of the Rowley’s because they saw it unnecessary to have the sign language interpreter assist the young girl in her education. The education Board agreed to this decision after conducting several tests to determine whether the pupil required the help of the sign language interpreter. The first reason to my conformance with the decision of the Supreme Court, based on the FAPE requirements is that the acts provide for and I quote, â€Å"we hold that the state has satisfied the FAPE requirements by providing personal instructions with sufficient support services to allow the child to benefit her education from that instruction† (Rowley p. 203-204) this means that the Education acted in the best interest of the FAPE requirements. My second conformance reason is that the Educational board were right to deny the Rowley’s daughter Amy the aid of a sign language interpreter because she was a great lip reader and her prior teachings allowed her to maximize her own capabilities resulting to her impressive above average performance in her kindergarten studies. These results indicated that she was capable of achieving good grades without the assistance of the sign language interpreter. Based on my own understanding and personal judgment, the Supreme Court rulings were correct. To begin with, the fact that the FAPE requires that a child be admitted to a public institution freely and be provided with the necessary tools to aid their education, do not promise availing of the same through thoughts

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Risk Management Week3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Risk Management Week3 - Essay Example on that ought to be proactively and effectively managed for a firm to identify and be able to react to new vulnerabilities, emerging threats, and a firm’s continuously changing enterprise operational and architecture atmosphere. Over the years, several security requirements and standards constructions have been developed in an effort to address enterprise systems together with important data inside them. Nonetheless most of these attempts have basically become exercises on just reporting on conformity and have in actuality redirected security programme supplies from the continuously changing attacks that must be dealt with. The Critical Security Control aims first on making it a main concern on security responsibilities that are efficient against the very latest Advanced Targeted Threats that has got a very tough emphasis on â€Å"what actually works†-security controls whereby processes, products, services and architecture are being used and have actually proved real world efficiency. Automation and standardisation is yet a further top main concern, to increase operational competences while at the same time improving efficiency (Hossein, 2006). There are several critical security controls that this paper seeks to address .Some of these include; inventory of unauthorised and authorised devices or software, making sure there is secure configurations for software and hardware on laptops, servers, mobile devices and workstations, continuous vulnerability assessment and remediation, application software security, malware defenses, wireless access control, appropriate training and security assessment to fill in gaps, data recovery capabilities and finally secure configurations for network tools such as routers, switches and firewalls. In the case of inventory of unauthorised and authorised devices, there should be active management (track, inventory and correction) of all hardware devices that are on the network so that it is the only authorised devices that are